LaFerla Family Eyecare

Comprehensive Adults & Senior Eye Exams in Kansas City

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Looking Out for Your Eye Health

The health of your eyes is fluid, so adults and seniors need to keep a close eye on it with each passing decade. Regular eye exams are the answer to threats to your vision, and depending on which symptoms show, there’s a lot we can do.

The greatest tool we have for slowing the progression of most eye diseases is an early diagnosis. You may not even recognize the symptoms, so let our eye doctors at LaFerla Family Eye Care take a detailed look.

Our Process

Our professional standards are first priority for us, and we’ll make sure we communicate any developments effectively, so you know what’s right, what’s wrong, and what to look out for.

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Our Technology

Making sure we have a selection of the best technology on hand gives us peace of mind. With it, we can ensure your eye exam meets a high standard and lends confidence to your outlook as a patient. We rely on traditional methods and newer equipment, including:

Technology for Certain Types of Dry Eye

Our latest equipment facilitates intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy which can significantly help with certain types of dry eye, and with a comprehensive eye exam, we can investigate the underlying causes for you, determining whether intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy equipment can help.

We survey all parts of your eye from the tip of your cornea all the way to your retina. Your eyes could need something as simple as eyewear or as complicated as surgery. Allow us to diagnose any problems, and we’ll do all we can to help. From our phoropter, retinal imaging, and slit-lamps to other tests—our technology and knowledge are what make these exams comprehensive.


Your ocular health can change quickly, and a comprehensive eye exam every year allows for early detection of any negative changes. If your optometrist classifies you as an at-risk patient, there’s no doubt at all you should get an eye exam every year. Patients that need extra care include those with diabetes, who may even require more than an annual visit.

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Our Location

Wanna see what we are all about?

Located right off of NW Barry Rd in Kansas City, our office is a balance between clinical, high tech, high fashion, and your friend’s cozy living room.

Where to park?

LaFerla Family Eye Care is located right across the street from Park Hill High School in Kansas City. There is ample of parking right in front of the entrance of our establishment.

Our Address

8301 N. Congress Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64152

Contact Information

Hours Of Operation

9 AM5:30 PM
1 PM7 PM
9 AM5:30 PM
9 AM5:30 PM
9 AM5 PM

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